Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday interrogated the prime accused of the Kerala gold smuggling case, Swapna Suresh for five and a half hours and summoned her again tomorrow. Swapna Suresh appeared before the Enforcement Directorate officials at its office as part of the interrogation in the case.
Last week, she was interrogated by the ED for 11 hours on two consecutive two days. “Crime Branch has summoned me today based on the complaint of KT Jaleel and based on the statements of dignified personalities like Saritha S Nair. But I will not be able to go today because ED is questioning me today as well. I am going to ED now. Once they finish their interrogation, after that I will go to Crime Branch. I have already informed the Superintendent of Police and the concerned authorities,” Suresh said while talking to mediapersons. “They offences include non-bailable offences. These people are going to put more non-bailable offences based on the statements of persons like Sarith S Nair, Shaj Kiran etc. I cannot do anything about it. So it’s okay. Let them go ahead. We will fight,” she added.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has interrogated Swapna Suresh, the prime accused in the Kerala Gold Smuggling Case for almost five and a half hours. On Wednesday, the federal agency also interrogated Suresh for five and a half hours. So, 11 hours has completed for interrogation on these two consecutive days.
ED interrogated her with respect to her 164 statement at the court and allegations against Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan and his family became controversial. Suresh had revealed that she has declared in court the involvement of Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, his wife, and daughter in the matter.