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Educationally Speaking

Beyond safe limits: 2°C warming threatens survival of 1,500+ coastal ecosystems

Much of the world’s natural coastline is protected by living habitats, most notably mangroves in warmer waters and tidal marshes closer to the poles,...

ISRO confirms presence of sulphur on moon

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Thursday confirmed the presence of sulphur on the Moon, using a different technique than the one used...

Last but not least

A man went to a master and started listing the problems in his life. “I have a wife who loves me only for the...

Hunt for truth: Analysing scientific evidence of big cats in UK

Persistent rumours of big cat sightings in Britain continue to capture attention, igniting excitement about potential large predators in the rural landscapes. A recent...
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Last but not least

Our joint family home housed 14 of us from age 5 to 95 years. Today I watch both the houses abandoned and nature taking...

Biased AI threatens minorities’ well-being across all spheres

Biased data doesn’t just yield poor outcomes; it can also perpetuate suppression of vulnerable groups like women and minorities. Algorithms rely on data, often...

Last but not least

Why do I read? I just can’t help myself. I read to learn and to grow, to laugh and to be motivated. I read...

Must read