Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann showed disappointment over the Apple loot incident that happened a few days ago in Fatehgarh Sahib. He questioned if Punjabis’ character stooped down to this level?. While stating and displaying his disappointment over this incident he mentioned about the First Prime Minister Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru and Singapore King meeting. On the other hand, Congress Leader found PM Nehru’s mention in Mann’s statement, a completely irrequisite and demean statement.
Mann while narrating about the Late PM Nehru stated further that PM Nehru met Singapore King and said that he has built roads and infrastructure in India and Singapore King replied Nehru that he has built character of his nation. Mann further stated that building roads and infrastructure does not bring development but character does help in bringing true development.
On this very statement of Mann, Congress Senior Leader and MLA Sukhpal Singh Khaira told TDG, “Mann is a complete Joker of first order, he could have given the message straight away that nation builds when character builds. There was no sense of attaching Late PM Nehru’s story into it. But in everything, he wishes to demean even those people who are no more in this world and this shows his character rather”.
On 4 December, A BiharBound truck was overturned and more than 1,200 cartons of apple were stolen by villagers and passers-by on the DelhiAmritsar National Highway in Fatehgarh Sahib. Several people took to social media and said that instead of helping the driver and conductor of the truck, people continued to pick apple boxes.
The truck driver, who was injured, was seen begging people not to take away apple boxes, but to no avail. The truck was ferrying apples from Jammu and Kashmir to Bihar, and when it reached the Rajendragarh village it overturned while avoiding another vehicle. Shortly after the accident, passers-by, people from nearby villages and even many other drivers stole apple boxes.
Though after a few days two Samartians Rajwinder Singh from Patiala and Gurpreet Singh from Mohali gave a cheque of Rs 9.12 lakh to Shahid, a resident of Sopore in Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir, to compensate for the loss he suffered.