The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) staged a protest on Sunday by burning the effigy of BJP Lok Sabha member Kirron Kher in front of the Municipal Corporation office in Sector 17. The demonstration aimed to condemn what AAP alleges as the BJP’s murder of democracy during the Mayoral elections in Chandigarh on January 30. The party demanded immediate action against BJP-nominated councilor and presiding officer Anil Masih, Lok Sabha member Kirron Kher, and all BJP councilors involved in the alleged manipulation of the Mayor elections.
Punjab Water Supply and Sewerage Board Chairman and co-incharge AAP Chandigarh, Dr. SS Ahluwalia, along with other AAP leaders and a large number of volunteers, expressed their dissent against the BJP during the protest.
Dr. SS Ahluwalia addressed the gathering, accusing Anil Masih, Kirron Kher, and their councilors of subverting democracy on the day of the elections. He highlighted that AAP has been on a hunger strike in front of the Municipal Corporation for the past 8 days to seek justice.
The burning of Kirron Kher’s effigy was intended to draw attention to their cause and prompt administrative action.
Dr. Ahluwalia expressed outrage over the cancellation of 8 votes by BJP, allegedly using the pen of AAP’s Mayoral candidate Kuldeep Kumar. Despite strict observations from the Honorable Supreme Court, he claimed that no action has been taken against the accused, leading AAP to intensify its efforts to expose BJP’s actions in every ward of Chandigarh. The party is determined to reveal what it perceives as the true face of BJP, accusing them of deceitful politics and vowing to make residents aware of the alleged subversion of democracy.