Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma recently announced that the state government is dedicated to the welfare of farmers, youth, and soldiers. He said that in its first budget, the government has taken some crucial decisions, such as increasing the amount of Samman Nidhi payable to farmers from Rs 2 thousand to Rs 8 thousand and providing an additional bonus of Rs 125 per quintal on the minimum support price of wheat.
CM Bhajan Lal addressed a public meeting on Tuesday at Govindpura (Basadi) in Shahpura on the occasion of the unveiling of the statue of martyr Rohitash Lamba. During his speech, he paid tribute to the martyr, stating that the country will always remember him for his sacrifice in the Pulwama terrorist attack. He further added that the value of their sacrifice to protect the motherland cannot be measured and Rohitash Lamba is an inspiration for the youth of the country and the state.
In addition, the Chief Minister announced the opening of a primary health centre in the name of martyr Rohitash Lamba at Govindpura (Basadi) and the construction of a 500-meter road. He also unveiled the statue of martyr Rohitash Lamba and inaugurated the plaque.
Centre’s schemes provide significant relief to common people.
He mentioned, “The state government is implementing several welfare schemes to provide significant relief to the general public while keeping the concept of Antyodaya (upliftment of the last person) in mind. The government is making available cylinders to women for 450 rupees and has increased the honorarium of Anganwadi workers by 10 per cent.”
Additionally, he mentioned the state government’s determined steps towards eradicating gang wars, such as the formation of an Anti-Gangster Task Force and thorough inspections of jails.
We are proud of our security forces: Bairwa
Deputy Chief Minister Premchand Bairwa expressed pride in the security forces for their unwavering vigilance in protecting the country’s borders day and night.
He also encouraged today’s youth to draw inspiration from their sacrifice, dedication, and spirit of patriotism. Agriculture Minister Kirori Lal Meena and Urban Development Minister Jhabarmal Kharra also spoke at the function.
The event was attended by MLA Kuldeep Dhankhar, District Chief Rama Devi Chopra, former Assembly Deputy Speaker Rao Rajendra Singh, former MLA Ramlal Sharma, CRPF Inspector General Vikram Sehgal, and members of the general public. The brave women present at the ceremony were honoured with shawls and mementoes.