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Society and Living

Does money solve most of all problems in our lives

I am sure most of us can recall these two classic songs, one by the band ABBA and their song” Money Money Money must...

How can you make a relaxing environment in your current home space?

Finding tranquility within the walls of your own home has become essential in the constant buzz of modern life. A calm haven inside your...

The Importance of Self-Awareness for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is not something you do, it›s something you are. Take some time to reflect on what you are: «Who am I?» This article, although aimed...


We Indians seem to thrive on “Chalta Hain “attitude which is often synonymous to just “Being Lazy” … One Japanese, made an interesting observation on...
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Design Trends Related To Convertible Kitchen Tables

Indian kitchens are the heart of every home, especially when a family member is cooking and God knows, we love our food. Today’s generation...

Kunzum: An exclusive book store with a coffee treat

A paradise for the book lovers in the city, this new store has a cafe in its premises as well where you can curl...

True teachers are like bridges….in our life

We all remember our teachers be it from kindergarten times, till we leave our school behind and enter college where we again meet our...

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