MUMBAI: Singer Harshdeep Kaur on Wednesday shared the news with fans that she has been blessed with a child. The singer and her husband Mankeet Singh welcomed their first child, a boy, on 2 March. Harshdeep tweeted, “A little bit of heaven just came down to earth and has made us Mommy & Daddy. Our Junior ‘Singh’ has arrived and we couldn’t be happier!” The singer also shared a throwback photo from her pregnancy days with husband Mankeet, where he is holding a tiny T-shirt.
Reacting to her tweet, fans and followers showered love and wishes for the newborn and also posted congratulatory messages for the new parents. Harshdeep had announced the news of her pregnancy with this tweet in the first week of February: “So excited to meet this little baby who is half me and half the one I love the most. Junior Kaur/Singh arriving in March 2021. Need your Blessings.”
Harshdeep tied the knot with childhood friend Mankeet in a hush-hush ceremony on 20 March 2015. The wedding was attended by family and close friends.