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The power of purity

I draw love and power into myself through a relationship and connection with the Supreme. I make that love and power my own so that it constantly radiates into the world. This is the royal path to real, lasting peace. It is through God, who is truth, and gives me the aim of making my […]

I draw love and power into myself through a relationship and connection with the Supreme. I make that love and power my own so that it constantly radiates into the world. This is the royal path to real, lasting peace.
It is through God, who is truth, and gives me the aim of making my life truthful and valuable, like a diamond. As I move towards this goal, my thoughts and feelings become very light. I feel like a free spirit, still part of this world but not bound by it. I can fly, like an angel, in the service of humanity.
Before there can be such complete truth in my life, there has to be purity. Purity underpins the entire process of restoring truth into my character and relationships.
Purity enables me to make my thoughts and actions free from the negativity, waste and weakness that were created when I ceased to understand myself as a spiritual being and thought of myself only as the offspring of my physical parents and circumstances.
God shows me real, true, love, and through that teaches me to understand the difference between truth and falsehood. This creates an inner light and warmth, a rekindling of the flame of the soul, that forms the heart of the process of purification. Care is needed to keep the flame burning strongly and complete the job of becoming free.
Purity and truth are different states. Purity means free of impurities. Truth means whole, without deception or falsehood.
I would not say a glass of water was true, for example, but I would want it to be pure. It would then be good to drink and would help to keep the body healthy, functioning true to its purpose; in other words, fulfilling its potential.
When thought is pure, it enables my life to be truthful and valuable and my potential as a human being to be fulfilled. Purity clears a path for truth. It makes space inside my mind in which truth can be experienced.
In fact, originally the soul is truth, so when I clean my mind of thoughts and desires that cause disturbance, I can begin to comprehend and recognize what truth is and appreciate its value in my life.
Purity within the soul is essential for peace. When purity is lacking in even the slightest way, there cannot be peace.
Love, also, cannot remain true and honest if physical desires are mixed in it.
Some people think they have peace in their lives, and others that they have love. But if purity also is not there, there cannot be contentment.
When I embrace purity in my life, it serves to finish all traces of the physical from my thinking. A human being has a body, of course, but the point of purity is to become free of the hold that the body has on my consciousness. This is what makes it possible for me to live and serve as an angel.
When someone really understands this, and puts it into practice in their life with honesty and the power of truth, that is wisdom.
Purity comes through relationship and connection with God. Without the power of this connection, there cannot be complete purity.
The renunciates of India, who follow celibacy, do so with great difficulty. They leave their homes, hide in caves, and suffer dietary and other privations.
But God injects purity deep into the soul. Actually, what this relationship really does is to give an injection that extracts the impurity that has infiltrated the soul. The soul is truth, and so with purity you are able to experience that truth.
God gives us the knowledge of our original state of purity, but the knowledge is not just for the intellect. It is not just information; it is a deep and beautiful experience. When you make this connection, you are able to taste the sweetness of real love, like nectar. This sweetness draws out the poison.
Then there is the feeling of new blood being inside the soul. It is as though you awaken. You become aware of what is real within you and around you. Peace comes. The heart feels so comfortable.
For a long time, it has not been in human consciousness that it is possible to experience such peace, love, and happiness — such reality. The peace, love and happiness that come as a result of purity are filled with truth.

The late Dadi Janki was administrative head of the Brahma Kumaris

