The Real Art And Science of Horoscope Match

Compatibility is more than “chemistry”. It is more than the butterflies in your stomach, fireworks exploding when you see your lover, or having an affinity for the same things. Compatibility is understanding and respecting your partner’s opinions even when they are different from yours. You may like different sports teams, but have similar views on […]

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The Real Art And Science of Horoscope Match

Compatibility is more than “chemistry”. It is more than the butterflies in your stomach, fireworks exploding when you see your lover, or having an affinity for the same things. Compatibility is understanding and respecting your partner’s opinions even when they are different from yours.
You may like different sports teams, but have similar views on life – family, ideals, career, money, and more. It’s about finding common ground in the midst of diversity, and not being the only one to do it again and again.
While chemistry is the initial key factor that attracts your partner towards you, it’s not enough to spend a lifetime together. As the honeymoon period ends, chemistry fades away sooner or later. Constant fights and arguments, especially after marriage, don’t stand the test of time.

What is Horoscope Matching?

For a long-term relationship, compatibility matters the most. Horoscope matching is the process of calculating one’s compatibility with their partner, requisite for a marriage or a successful romantic relationship.
Today, horoscope matching is commonly done as “Gun Milan” or “Gun Matching”. But what about those relationships whose gun-matching was successful yet the marriage failed?
Here are the answers to how gun-matching is just one part of the story, why compatibility carries weight and what is the real art and science of horoscope matching.

How do relationships impact all areas of life? Why is compatibility important?

According to a retrospective analysis from NumroVani, around 75% of people who seek consultations have either one or more queries on relationships.
An incompatible relationship leads to poor mental health, disinterest in day-to-day activities, and low self-esteem. It is not only detrimental to your love life and biological or sexual needs but also leaves negative imprints on almost all areas of your life, including profession, finances, parenting, social life, fitness, spirituality, and personal development.

Why is today’s Horoscope matching incomplete?
Today, horoscope matching is performed by matching only the “Gun”. A marriage is approved if even 18 out of 36 gun matches. Multiple online sites are offering this service for free. However, this is misleading the multitude by providing half-baked solutions.
To ensure a long-term relationship or marriage embedded in serenity, passion, love, and commitment, the solution lies in a thorough astrological and numerological assessment –

1. Astrology-based Horoscope Matching
Astrologically, gun milan accounts for only 10% of the complete horoscope matching. In reality, our ancient science of matchmaking was far more precise and comprehensive.
Other than Gun Milan, these factors are compulsory to be considered for finalizing the true and absolute compatibility levels between a couple –

=Kundli Matching
Once the gun matching of the couple is complete, the next step must be to match their entire “kundli”, also known as birth chart or natal chart. It determines the love, health, family, children, foreign travel, and longevity of the couple.

Once kundli matching is done, it’s time to match the Doers or marriage’s karakas. These are planets like Venus, Jupiter, and Mars. If the outcome is hostile, it means the marriage is incompatible and requires corrective remedies.
=Lagna, Lagna Kundli, and Tajik Kundli
Apart from kundli matching and considering the karakas, “Lagna” (Rising Sign or Ascendant), Lagna Kundli, and Tajik Kundli are on the radar to be matched next. Matching Lagna ensures there will be no massive challenges or hurdles in the couple’s happy abode.

=Shadidasha and muhurta
Along with the above-mentioned elements, both individuals’ shadidasha and shadimuhurat should comply with each other as well. Companionship is blessed with auspiciousness, joy, and immortality when these factors are in sync.
2. Numerology-based Horoscope Matching
Everyone loves happy endings. Thus, we want to leave no stone unturned when it comes to the most sacred institution of our life – marriage, and relationship. Apart from a number of astrological aspects, a total analysis of horoscope matching includes your name and date of birth as well.
According to Numerology, these are some critical constituents for analyzing compatibility via horoscope matchmaking –

Your name decides your identification and impacts your life throughout. Equally or more essentially, each and every letter of your name is essential in matchmaking.
The element of the first and last letter of a name along with your date of birth determines your intimacy levels, sexual compatibility, and libido. If it fails to match with your partner, a lack of intimacy and sexual dissatisfaction emerge in a relationship. Soon, it results in a breakup, divorce, or life-long displeasure.

=Birth order
Assessing the birth order is a medium through which the mental compatibility of a couple is matched. It unleashes your intelligence, thought process, and personality.
For instance, if one of the couples is firstborn and the other is middleborn, their idea of problem-solving, reasoning, and decision-making compliments each other.

In Numerology, the process of classifying numbers into different categories is called Concord. The people having the same concord feel comfortable in each other’s presence, easily understand their feelings, and are naturally attached to each other.
For instance, couples with the same concord 3, 6, and 9 are practically made for each other. But, when their compatibility is calculated along with concord and considering other significant measures, they are set on a long-term journey of love, laughter, and memories in this mortal life.

Some of the other parameters included in Numerology based matchmaking include destiny number, birth number, running age, name numbers, elemental compatibility of name, alphabet-alphabet compatibility of names, and others.

Happy Matchmaking!
Horoscope matchmaking is much more extensive than what meets the common people’s eyes. It takes many intricacies of Astrology and Numerology to define compatibility within couples. Employ the best use of these factors to enjoy a match made in heaven.

Sidhharrth S Kumaar, Chief Happiness Officer at NumroVani, is an Astro Numerologist and life and relationship Coach on a mission to transform human lives by curating synergy between human aura and cosmic universe by leveraging traditional intellectualknowledge of Bharat.
