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PGGC Chandigarh highlights linguistic diversity on Mother Language Day

The Department of Punjabi at Post Graduate Government College, Sector-46, Chandigarh, in collaboration with the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and the Literary Society, recently commemorated International Mother Language Day. The event aimed to raise awareness about linguistic and cultural diversity while promoting multilingualism. Titled “Ru Ba Ru,” the celebration featured the participation of the […]

The Department of Punjabi at Post Graduate Government College, Sector-46, Chandigarh, in collaboration with the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and the Literary Society, recently commemorated International Mother Language Day.

The event aimed to raise awareness about linguistic and cultural diversity while promoting multilingualism. Titled “Ru Ba Ru,” the celebration featured the participation of the renowned poet, actress, and teacher, Miss Kuldeep.

During the event, Principal Dr. Abha Sudarshan extended a warm welcome to the guests and underscored the pivotal role of one’s mother tongue not only in individual development but also in the preservation of cultural practices and traditions.

The highlight of the occasion was the interactive session “Ru Ba Ru” with Dr. Baljeet Singh, the Vice Principal of the college, where Kuldeep shared insights into his literary journey. He captivated the audience by reciting his poems and imparting valuable thoughts. Kuldeep also encouraged students to pursue their passions and emphasized the crucial role of a supportive family system.

The programme witnessed active participation from teachers and students across various subjects, creating a vibrant and engaging atmosphere. The celebration served as a platform for fostering appreciation for different languages, cultural heritage, and the importance of nurturing linguistic diversity.

