PCC Chief Govind Singh Dotasara attended a dialogue event in the Alwar Lok Sabha constituency, part of the Rajasthan Pradesh Congress Committee’s worker dialogue initiative. He emphasized the importance of these programs, held across Rajasthan’s Lok Sabha constituencies, to address the five key issues highlighted by Rahul Gandhi during his Bharat Jodo Nyaya Yatra nationwide. Dotasara expressed confidence in the Congress’s organizational strength in the state, stating that with concerted efforts from workers and leaders, victory in the Lok Sabha elections is achievable. He stressed the need for unity among leaders and workers to ensure the success of Congress candidates rather than focusing on individual personalities.
Dotasara said that today there is a worrying situation in the country. More than 750 farmers have been martyred so far. The central government entered into a written agreement with the farmers and formed a committee. It was promised to accept the demand of MSP but even after 22 months, farmers are forced to go back to Delhi and protest. The reason for this is that there is no mention of MSP in the committee formed by the Central Government.
Today the farmers are forced to go to Delhi to raise their voice before the Central Government to get the agreement made with them accepted. But, the central government is firing rubber bullets at the farmers.
Their routes are being blocked and allegations are being made against them. He said that if BJP leaders are giving the titles of terrorists, Khalistani and drunkards to the farmers, then why are they talking to them.
Dotasara said that the central leaders make allegations and counter-allegations against those who do not agree with the central government and if they agree with them, they embrace them. If we lost in the assembly elections, we must have been lacking somewhere. He said that the Prime Minister of the country comes to the state and talks about the imaginary Lal Diary. Let’s talk about paper leak. The Prime Minister of the country talks about crimes in Rajasthan and tries to mislead people on the basis of false facts. The worst thing is that the Prime Minister of the country comes to Rajasthan and talks about dividing the people of the state into Hindu-Muslim, which is shameful. He said that falsehoods were spread by the Prime Minister regarding the Kanhaiya Lal murder case in Udaipur and it was said that a compensation of Rs 5 lakh was given. Whereas Rs 50 lakh was given to the Muslim youth killed in Jaipur. Whereas the reality is that only Rs 50 lakh was given to Kanhaiya Lal’s family. Lying is a sign of low level politics of Bharatiya Janata Party.
He said that the people of BJP are the people who kill democracy. The country saw in Chandigarh, Madhya Pradesh and Himachal, saw in Jharkhand what they have done. Breaking the MLAs of other parties. All this is against the principles of democracy. He asked whether Baba Saheb had made the Constitution of our country for this day. He said that the great freedom fighters of our country liberated the country with their penance and sacrifice and gave the country a Constitution and today the people sitting in power at the Center do not believe in this Constitution. Today, in the interest of the country, all Congressmen will have to work unitedly and leave factionalism. We will have to stop speaking ill of each other, because now the time has come that instead of finding fault with each other, we will have to resolve to talk about Congress in unity. If we remain silent today, we will not be able to answer the future generations.