In a shocking incident on Wednesday night, Rattandeep Singh, a former militant, was fatally shot by two unidentified assailants riding a motorcycle in Balachaur. The victim was accompanied by his nephew at the time of the attack, which occurred while they were traveling in a car.
Upon receiving the report, local law enforcement swiftly arrived at the scene of the crime. A disturbing discovery was made as authorities recovered a poster claiming responsibility for the murder, purportedly issued by an individual identified as Gopi Nawanshahria.
Mukesh Sharma, Superintendent of Police (SP) in Nawanshahr, has confirmed that an investigation into the incident is currently underway. Shedding light on the victim’s background, police sources revealed that Rattandeep Singh had a history of involvement with militant groups, having been arrested by Punjab Police in 2014.
“Rattandeep was linked with the militant group,” stated authorities, specifying his prior association with the Bhindrawala Tiger Force Militant Group. The circumstances surrounding his demise are being meticulously scrutinized, with particular attention directed towards understanding the motives behind the attack.
“We are questioning Rattandeep’s nephew to ascertain the purpose of their presence at the location,” the police elaborated. As the investigation unfolds, authorities remain committed to unraveling the complexities surrounding this tragic incident.