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Nakshatras – The celestial influencers in vedic astrology

Nakshatras, or lunar constellations, are a key aspect of Vedic astrology. There are 27 Nakshatras, each with its own unique significance, symbolism, and impact on individuals. Here is a brief overview of each Nakshatra and its significance: 1. Ashwini (0°00’ – 13°20’ Aries): • Symbol: Horse’s head • Deity: Ashwini Kumars • Significance: Quick healing, vitality, and swiftness. […]

Nakshatras, or lunar constellations, are a key aspect of Vedic astrology. There are 27 Nakshatras, each with its own unique significance, symbolism, and impact on individuals.

Here is a brief overview of each Nakshatra and its significance:

1. Ashwini (0°00’ – 13°20’ Aries):
• Symbol: Horse’s head
• Deity: Ashwini Kumars
• Significance: Quick healing, vitality, and swiftness.

2. Bharani (13°20’ – 26°40’ Aries):
• Symbol: Yoni (female reproductive organ)
• Deity: Yama (God of death)
• Significance: Discipline, transformation, and endurance.

3. Krittika (26°40’ Aries – 10°00’ Taurus):
• Symbol: Razor
• Deity: Agni (God of fire)
• Significance: Sharpness, purification, and courage.

4. Rohini (10°00’ – 23°20’ Taurus):
• Symbol: Chariot
• Deity: Brahma
• Significance: Creativity, fertility, and beauty.

5. Mrigashira (23°20’ Taurus – 6°40’ Gemini):
• Symbol: Deer’s head
• Deity: Soma (Moon God)
• Significance: Curiosity, search, and intellect.

6. Ardra (6°40’ – 20°00’ Gemini):
• Symbol: Teardrop
• Deity: Rudra (a form of Shiva)
• Significance: Renewal, storms, and destruction for regeneration.

7. Punarvasu (20°00’ Gemini – 3°20’ Cancer):
• Symbol: Bow and quiver
• Deity: Aditi (Mother of gods)
• Significance: Return, restoration, and abundance.

8. Pushya (3°20’ – 16°40’ Cancer):
• Symbol: Cow’s udder
• Deity: Brihaspati (Jupiter)
• Significance: Nourishment, growth, and auspiciousness.

9. Ashlesha (16°40’ – 30°00’ Cancer):
• Symbol: Coiled serpent
• Deity: Nagas
• Significance: Mysticism, secrets, and healing.

10. Magha (0°00’ – 13°20’ Leo):
• Symbol: Throne room
• Deity: Pitris (Ancestors)
• Significance: Heritage, authority, and respect.

11. Purva Phalguni (13°20’ – 26°40’ Leo):
• Symbol: Hammock
• Deity: Bhaga
• Significance: Pleasure, relaxation, and creativity.

12. Uttara Phalguni (26°40’ Leo – 10°00’ Virgo):
• Symbol: Two back legs of a bed
• Deity: Aryaman
• Significance: Friendship, service, and support.

13. Hasta (10°00’ – 23°20’ Virgo):
• Symbol: Hand
• Deity: Savitar (Sun God)
• Significance: Skill, dexterity, and craft.

14. Chitra (23°20’ Virgo – 6°40’ Libra):
• Symbol: Bright jewel
• Deity: Vishvakarma (Divine architect)
• Significance: Creativity, beauty, and craftsmanship.

15. Swati (6°40’ – 20°00’ Libra):
• Symbol: Young plant
• Deity: Vayu (Wind God)
• Significance: Independence, adaptability, and movement.

16. Vishakha (20°00’ Libra – 3°20’ Scorpio):
• Symbol: Triumphal arch
• Deity: Indra and Agni
• Significance: Achievement, growth, and purpose.

17. Anuradha (3°20’ – 16°40’ Scorpio):
• Symbol: Lotus
• Deity: Mitra
• Significance: Friendship, devotion, and success.

18. Jyeshtha (16°40’ – 30°00’ Scorpio):
• Symbol: Earring
• Deity: Indra
• Significance: Leadership, authority, and protection.

19. Mula (0°00’ – 13°20’ Sagittarius):
• Symbol: Tied bunch of roots
• Deity: Nirriti (Goddess of destruction)
• Significance: Foundation, roots, and transformation.

20. Purva Ashadha (13°20’ – 26°40’ Sagittarius):
• Symbol: Elephant tusk
• Deity: Apah (Water)
• Significance: Invigoration, invincibility, and victory.

21. Uttara Ashadha (26°40’ Sagittarius – 10°00’ Capricorn):
• Symbol: Planks of a bed
• Deity: Vishvadevas
• Significance: Achievement, success, and permanence.

22. Shravana (10°00’ – 23°20’ Capricorn):
• Symbol: Ear
• Deity: Vishnu
• Significance: Listening, learning, and communication.

23. Dhanishta (23°20’ Capricorn – 6°40’ Aquarius):
• Symbol: Drum
• Deity: Eight Vasus
• Significance: Prosperity, music, and rhythm.

24. Shatabhisha (6°40’ – 20°00’ Aquarius):
• Symbol: Empty circle
• Deity: Varuna (God of cosmic waters)
• Significance: Healing, secrets, and mystery.

25. Purva Bhadrapada (20°00’ Aquarius – 3°20’ Pisces):
• Symbol: Sword
• Deity: Aja Ekapada
• Significance: Transformation, spiritual insight, and discipline.

26. Uttara Bhadrapada (3°20’ – 16°40’ Pisces):
• Symbol: Twin feet
• Deity: Ahir Budhnya (Serpent of the deep)
• Significance: Stability, inner depth, and spiritual wisdom.

27. Revati (16°40’ – 30°00’ Pisces):
• Symbol: Fish
• Deity: Pushan (Nourisher)
• Significance: Prosperity, safe journeys, and nourishment.

Each Nakshatra has its unique traits and influences, playing a vital role in Vedic astrology, helping to determine auspicious timings (muhurtas), personal characteristics, and the course of events in an individual’s life.

