Aryan Khan’s luxury streetwear brand, D’YAVOL X, co-founded with his father Shah Rukh Khan, has just launched its latest collection. The father-son duo recently set the internet abuzz with their joint photoshoot for the brand’s D’YAVOL X3 collection campaign, sparking excitement among fans and fashion enthusiasts. After much anticipation, the wait is finally over. The new collection, named ‘X-3,’ is now available, and be prepared—the prices are sure to take you by surprise.
Aryan Khan’s brand reveals luxurious collection
The D’YAVOL X3 collection exudes opulence, with standout pieces like a signature suede jacket crafted with premium zippers, intricate stitching, and functional pockets, offering both style and practicality. Made from artisanal-dyed suede goat leather, it provides a rich, velvety texture, with each item personally signed by Shah Rukh Khan. The price tag for this luxurious jacket? A whopping ₹175,555.
The collection also includes hoodies adorned with self-embroidered patch logos on the back. While it may appear to be a regular hoodie, its price is far from ordinary, set at ₹41,000. Additionally, logo-embroidered caps are available for ₹6,555. Aryan Khan’s photoshoot for the X-Girlfriend hoodie, featuring quirky graphics and a Gen Z vibe, also carries the same hefty price of ₹41,000.
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The graphic-printed t-shirts, available in black, white, and blue, are priced at ₹22,500, while the fashionable denim cargo pants, named Knight Walker II, retail for ₹35,000. Every piece in this collection showcases bold style, with price tags that are sure to catch attention.
D’YAVOL was established by Aryan Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, and their close family friends Leti Blagoeva and Bunty Singh. The brand includes two primary divisions: a streetwear line, X, and a collection of spirits. Meanwhile, Aryan is preparing for his directorial debut with an untitled Bollywood series for Netflix, produced by Gauri Khan. The series is set to release later this year, with Shah Rukh Khan proudly sharing news of Aryan’s project on X.