For the fourth day in a row, income tax raids took place in the Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, offices of Minister of Public Works and Highways, EV Velu. The places where the searches were carried out were purportedly connected to the Minister. The IT Department had earlier conducted searches at four locations in the Karur district in relation to a suspected tax evasion case. Previous searches took place at businessman Suresh’s office in Gandhipuram area and at his residence in KVP Nagar, as well as at the home of Padma, the late DMK leader Vasugi Murugesan’s sister.
As per the sources, the I-T officers also conducted searches at EV Velu’s son Kamban’s residence in Thiruvannamalai. Kamban currently serves as the Director of Arunai Medical College and Hospital in Thiruvannamalai.
The raids at Kamban’s residence have been underway since Friday night, as per the sources.
IT raids were also conducted across various locations in Tamil Nadu related to contractors and suppliers of the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) in relation to providing equipment.
Approximately ten locations in Chennai were raided last week, including India Private Limited and Radha Engineering Works Private Limited.
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