In a tragic incident in Rataur village, Naraingarh, Ambala district, an ex-serviceman named Subedar Bhushan Kumar has allegedly committed a gruesome crime involving the murder of five family members following a dispute over two acres of land. The incident occurred late Sunday night.
The deceased have been identified as Bhushan Kumar’s mother, Saropi Devi, 65; his younger brother Harish Kumar, 35; Harish’s wife Sonia, 32; and their two children, Yashika, 5, and six-month-old Mayank. Bhushan Kumar’s father, Om Prakash, and Harish’s eldest daughter were found in critical condition and were initially taken to the civil hospital in Naraingarh. They have since been referred to the Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) in Chandigarh for further treatment.
According to police reports, Bhushan Kumar launched a brutal attack on his brother with a sharp-edged weapon before targeting the rest of the family. He reportedly attempted to cremate the bodies to destroy evidence but fled the scene when police arrived. The authorities discovered the half-burnt bodies and are conducting a thorough investigation.
Superintendent of Police Surender Singh Bhoria arrived at the crime scene around midnight and immediately established a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to locate and apprehend Bhushan Kumar. The accused was eventually captured and is currently undergoing interrogation.
The tragedy reportedly stems from a long-standing dispute between the brothers over the family land, which had been jointly held. The police continue to investigate the details of the case and the motive behind the horrific act.
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