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Society and Living

Superfoods: Transforming skincare with natural power

Gone are the days when skincare and beauty products were filled with preservatives, harsh chemicals, skin irritants, and strong fragrances. Over time, brands have...

Genrobotics Revolutionary Robotic Scavenger, Bandicoot launched in Nava Raipur, Chhattisgarh

The market leader of the robotic scavenging machine in the world, Genrobotics has announced its entry into Nava Raipur and introduced its manhole cleaning...
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Safe Playschool in an Unsafe World

Parents who buy clothes for their kids’ wardrobes can be quite picky. They might be far less picky when looking for something like daycare,...

Simple ideas to make luxury accessible in residential interiors

The myth that luxury interiors come with a heavy price tag is common. However, with proper planning and strategizing, it is possible to create...

Being Non-Judgemental How Difficult is it?

Judging people around us on their looks, status, community, gender, ethnicity, or race comes naturally to most human beings. Being non-judgmental is the biggest...

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