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Society and Living

Best corner design ideas for your sweet home

The corners of the walls are one of the most neglected areas at home when it comes to styling or decorating the interiors. However,...

Apply E+R=O Formula For 100% Success in Career & Business

The E+R=O formula helps to get from where you are to where you want to be, It is an effective, practical experiential methodology that...

Travelling still holds the Candle for the Soul

No virtual reality or metaverse can make up for the fresh air, changing scenery and newer experiences that bring life-changing values to most individuals. Cross-cutting...

How interior design impacts well-being and productivity in the workplace

Collaborating, solving problems, and thriving are all hallmarks of the workplace. The interior design of an office can significantly impact the productivity and performance...
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Where is the line between luxury and necessity?

Distinguishing between luxury and necessity in the modern world can be subjective and context-dependent. However, there are some general factors that not only help...

Between obligation and inconvenience, the debate over lack of civic sense continues

Lack of civic sense has been a topic that’s been argued, debated on in India with no results, as most Indians do not care...

Crossroads and Turmoil

At times life feels like a series of crossroads and turmoil. One gets caught in the cobweb of emotions, aspirations, dreams and relations. One...

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