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Calls For Biden's Cognitive Test Rise Amid Health Concerns

President Joe Biden’s doctor, Kevin O’Connor, has stated that there is no need for cognitive tests, despite increasing public scrutiny. According to the Washington Post, Biden has not undergone any cognitive assessments since taking office, including during his three annual physical exams. White House officials confirm that O’Connor has never recommended such tests for Biden. […]

Calls For Biden's Cognitive Test Rise Amid Health Concerns
Calls For Biden's Cognitive Test Rise Amid Health Concerns

President Joe Biden’s doctor, Kevin O’Connor, has stated that there is no need for cognitive tests, despite increasing public scrutiny. According to the Washington Post, Biden has not undergone any cognitive assessments since taking office, including during his three annual physical exams. White House officials confirm that O’Connor has never recommended such tests for Biden. This stance has now put the White House doctor’s approach to the president’s health under the spotlight. As the debate over Biden’s cognitive health continues, the president and his team maintain confidence in his ability to lead, despite the growing calls for cognitive testing.


Debate Performance Fuels Concerns

Concerns about Biden’s mental acuity intensified following his performance in a recent debate against Donald Trump. During the debate, Biden’s frequent stumbling and mumbling raised questions about his cognitive health. Although O’Connor has seen no reason for a cognitive test, some anonymous former colleagues of his at the White House told the Washington Post that Biden should be tested after the debate.

Ira Monka, president of the American Osteopathic Association, echoed this sentiment. “Some of the stumbling and missing of the words, whatever was going on, would be a sign to say, maybe this person needs — not maybe — this person should get testing just to rule out the fact that there could be some underlying changes,” Monka said.


Biden’s Response

In an interview with ABC on Friday, Biden dismissed the need for cognitive tests, stating, “I have a cognitive test every single day.” He continued, “You know, not only am I campaigning, but I’m running the world. Not – and that’s not hi — sounds like hyperbole, but we are the essential nation of the world.”


Increasing Worry Among Insiders

A New York Times report from Tuesday headlined, “Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome,” noted that individuals who have spent time with the president over the past few months observed that his lapses appear to be more frequent and pronounced, especially after Thursday’s debate.


Age in the Spotlight

Biden, the oldest commander in chief in U.S. history, has faced scrutiny over his age throughout the 2024 campaign. While both Biden’s and Trump’s advanced ages have been topics of concern, recent polling indicates that Trump’s age is less of a worry for voters. A New York Times and Siena College poll conducted from June 28 to July 2 found that 20% of registered voters believe Trump’s age — 78 — is a problem that renders him incapable of handling the presidency, while 48% said the same about Biden, including 16% of Democrats.
