Prithvi Ambani, the eldest grandson of billionaire Mukesh and Nita Ambani, delivered an adorable speech at his uncle Anant Ambani’s wedding reception on Monday evening. The event took place at the Jio World Centre in Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC), Mumbai, where the entire Ambani family, along with the Merchants, the family of bride Radhika Merchant, were present on stage.
Nita Ambani introduced three-year-old Prithvi, calling him to join the family on stage. “Our most loved Prithvi is also here. Prithvi, come,” she said. As Prithvi slid into the frame, he momentarily lost his balance, eliciting laughter and affectionate reactions from both his family and the guests.
Taking the microphone from Nita Ambani, Prithvi greeted the crowd with a confident “Hello,” followed by “Jai Shri Krishna,” to which the audience responded in unison. The young Ambani’s charm and the spontaneous moment made for a memorable highlight of the evening.
Prithvi is the son of Shloka Mehta and Akash Ambani and was born in December 2020. His younger sister, Veda, turned one in May this year, and her first birthday was celebrated on a luxury cruise ship in Europe amid the pre-wedding celebrations for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant.
The wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant was a star-studded affair held last Friday, attended by prominent personalities from various fields, both global and Indian. The celebrations continued throughout the weekend and into Monday, with receptions for the couple’s extensive network. Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the “Shubh Aashirwad” ceremony on Saturday night, blessing the newly-weds, who respectfully touched his feet. On Sunday, the Ambanis hosted a “Mangal Utsav” ceremony, featuring several popular influencers among the attendees.
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