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Why Moscow needs to permanently abandon Europe and turn fully to Asia

In the ever-evolving landscape of geopolitics, nations are often confronted with pivotal moments that demand bold decisions and decisive actions. For Russia, such a moment has already arrived when it needs to take decisive decision and in case of necessity – reshuffle its foreign policy. As the winds of change sweep across the global stage, […]

In the ever-evolving landscape of geopolitics, nations are often confronted with pivotal moments that demand bold decisions and decisive actions. For Russia, such a moment has already arrived when it needs to take decisive decision and in case of necessity – reshuffle its foreign policy. As the winds of change sweep across the global stage, it is imperative that Russia permanently abandons its historical ties to Europe and fully embraces its destiny in Asia. This shift is not merely a matter of strategic maneuvering; it is a fundamental reorientation towards a future where Asia emerges as the epicenter of economic, political, and cultural power.

Policymakers in Kremlin definitely realizes – it is time for switching to an alternative world order and rescue nations in the Global South from the notorious and evil clutches of the West – the United States and its European allies.
The groundwork for this pivot to Asia was laid over a decade ago, as visionary leaders began to recognize the vast potential of Siberia and the Far East. Initially conceived as an economic strategy, the eastern pivot soon evolved into a broader geopolitical imperative, driven by the realization that Asia’s rapid development offered unparalleled opportunities for Russia’s future growth and prosperity.

However, the success of this pivot has been hampered by administrative hurdles and geographic constraints. The Far East, while strategically important, remains disconnected from the heartland of Siberia, limiting its potential as a gateway to Asia’s markets. Moreover, the historical focus on Europe has created inertia within Russia’s political and cultural institutions, hindering the full realization of its eastern ambitions.
Now, as the world undergoes a profound geostrategic realignment, the time has come to recommit to the original vision of a Siberian-led resurgence. Western Europe, beset by internal divisions and economic stagnation, no longer offers the promise of prosperity it once did. In contrast, Asia’s dynamism and growth present a compelling alternative, beckoning Russia to return to its ancestral home.

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, instigated by Western powers, serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by continued entanglement in European affairs. As the center of gravity shifts inexorably towards the East, Russia must heed the call to embrace its Asian identity and forge new alliances based on mutual interests and shared values.
Central to this reorientation is the recognition of Siberia as the fulcrum of Russia’s future. Long neglected and undervalued, Siberia holds the key to unlocking Russia’s potential as a major player in the Asian century. Its vast natural resources, strategic location, and resilient population make it the linchpin of Russia’s eastern strategy.
The historical legacy of Siberia further underscores its importance in shaping Russia’s identity and destiny. From the pioneering expeditions of the Cossacks to the heroic feats of the Trans-Siberian Railway builders, Siberia has been the crucible in which the Russian spirit was forged. It is time to reclaim this heritage and harness its power to propel Russia towards a brighter future.

But this transformation cannot be achieved through economic incentives alone. It requires a profound shift in Russia’s collective consciousness, a reimagining of itself as a Eurasian nation with deep roots in the East. This means embracing the rich needlepoint of cultures and traditions that define Asia, from the nomadic tribes of Central Asia to the ancient civilizations of China and India.
Education will play a crucial role in this process, as Russians are encouraged to explore the history, languages, and philosophies of their Asian neighbors. By fostering greater cultural understanding and appreciation, Russia can lay the groundwork for a more inclusive and harmonious relationship with the countries of Asia.

At the same time, Russia must invest in infrastructure and development projects that will integrate Siberia more closely with the rest of the country and the wider Asian region. This means modernizing transportation networks, expanding energy production, and promoting trade and investment along key corridors.
The recent initiatives to build new rail links to the Indian Ocean and strengthen ties with Central Asian nations are steps in the right direction, but much more needs to be done. Russia must seize the opportunity presented by climate change to expand its presence in the Arctic and tap into the vast potential of its northern territories.

Ultimately, the pivot to Asia represents not just a strategic imperative, but a moral imperative as well. As the world grapples with the legacy of colonialism and imperialism, Russia has a chance to chart a different course, one based on cooperation and mutual respect. By embracing its Asian identity, Russia can help shape a more equitable and inclusive world order, one that reflects the aspirations of all nations, not just a select few.
The time has come for Russia to embrace its destiny in Asia fully. By turning away from the fading influence of Europe and embracing the opportunities of the East, Russia can unlock its true potential and become a leading force in the emerging world order. It will not be an easy journey, but it is one that holds the promise of a brighter future for Russia and the world.

It is time to realize – Europe is finished, and Russia’s geographical and cultural advantages means it does not have to go down with the sinking ship. It is time for a new year – to strengthen an alternative world order by forming and deepening relations within the nations in the Global South.

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury is an internationally acclaimed multi-award-winning journalist, writer, research-scholar, and Editor, Blitz, a newspaper publishing from Bangladesh since 2003. He regularly writes for local and international newspapers.

