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Why K-12 institutions must prioritise Mental Health and Well-being of students in the digital era

The 21st century is witnessing an unprecedented focus on the holistic development of students. No longer is education solely about academic excellence; it has evolved to encompass the well-being of students as a paramount concern. The journey of a student in K-12 is not without its challenges. Academic pressures, peer dynamics, societal expectations, and the […]

Why K-12 institutions must prioritise Mental Health and Well-being of students in the digital era
Why K-12 institutions must prioritise Mental Health and Well-being of students in the digital era

The 21st century is witnessing an unprecedented focus on the holistic development of students. No longer is education solely about academic excellence; it has evolved to encompass the well-being of students as a paramount concern. The journey of a student in K-12 is not without its challenges. Academic pressures, peer dynamics, societal expectations, and the digital age’s constant connectivity can create a perfect storm for stress and anxiety. While these pressures have always existed, the awareness of their potential impact on mental health is now more acute than ever. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) survey revealed that 12-13 per cent of students in India suffer from psychological, emotional and behavioural conditions.

It is essential to recognize that mental health issues among students are not rare anomalies but rather common occurrences that deserve attention and support. An empathetic understanding of these issues is the first step towards addressing them effectively.

Strategies for Supporting Student Wellness

  • Promoting Open Dialogue: The foundation of any mental health initiative in K-12 should be open and empathetic communication. Schools should foster environments where students feel comfortable discussing their emotional well-being. By normalising conversations about mental health, we break the stigma associated with seeking help.
    How Can a School Do That: Establishing peer support groups where students can share their experiences and concerns without judgement, Holding regular Wellness sessions once in a week, creating a club for mental healthcare.
  • Mental Health Education: Incorporating mental health education into the curriculum is vital. Students must develop the skills to identify and manage their emotions. Education should encompass stress management techniques, emotional intelligence, and resilience building.
    How Can a School Do That: Introducing age-appropriate courses on emotional well-being and mental health, workshops or weekly classes on Moral studies and health education.
  • Professional Counselling Services: Schools must have qualified counsellors on campus to provide immediate support to students facing emotional challenges. These professionals play a crucial role in identifying early signs of mental health issues and providing appropriate guidance.
    How Can a School do That: Regular counselling sessions as part of the school routine, Building Mentor mentee relationship.
  • Physical Well-being: Mental health and physical well-being are intricately linked. Encouraging regular physical activity and a balanced diet contributes significantly to emotional stability.
    How Can a School Do That: Organising physical education programs, Once in a week- Yoga day and promoting healthy eating habits, scheduling a 10 min fruit break.
  • Creating Safe Spaces: Designating safe spaces within the school premises where students can retreat when feeling overwhelmed is essential. These spaces should be quiet, serene, and conducive to self-reflection.
    How Can a School Do That: Establishing mindfulness corners or gardens within the school, birds and a peaceful and creative room.
  • Teacher Training: Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping a student’s emotional landscape. Providing teachers with training in recognizing and responding to students’ emotional needs is paramount.
    How Can a School Do That: Regular workshops on emotional intelligence and effective communication for teachers.

The well-being of our students is a shared responsibility that extends beyond the classroom. It requires a holistic approach that integrates mental health and emotional well-being into the fabric of K-12 education. When we prioritise the mental health of our students, we not only prepare them for academic success but also equip them with the tools to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace.

Naman Jain is an Education Policy Expert, and Director (Development) at Silverline Prestige School.

