
Why Is An Internet Backup Solution Important For Businesses?

The internet has become the single most relied piece of technology in the business world. Without the internet, most modern-day businesses wouldn’t even exist. Almost everything in the business world is not dependent on the internet, from sales software to customer relationship management tools, everything is reliant on an active internet connection. This means that […]

The internet has become the single most relied piece of technology in the business world. Without the internet, most modern-day businesses wouldn’t even exist. Almost everything in the business world is not dependent on the internet, from sales software to customer relationship management tools, everything is reliant on an active internet connection. This means that internet downtime can have severe consequences on a business or organization if it doesn’t have a backup available.

If any business suffers an internet outage or disruption, it can cause that business to lose a lot of customers and value. And keep in mind that an internet outage or disruption can happen at any time because no matter how improved the internet has become over the past few years, it is still prone to disruption from natural disasters, harsh weather conditions, construction work, human error, etc. 

It is impossible to predict all these events. Sure you can check the weather forecast but what about other events? So, it is critical for businesses to have an internet backup plan to prevent internet downtime. In case your primary internet service provider suffers an outage, you should have an internet backup solution in place that will automatically take over and prevent any downtime. With that being said, let’s have a look at a few reasons why an internet backup solution is important for businesses:

Prevents Financial Losses

For businesses that are dependent on the internet for business operations and dealing with customers, the risk of an internet outage cannot be ignored because, for such businesses, an internet outage means financial loss. Without the internet, not only are most businesses not able to process orders and payments but they are also not able to respond to their customers, all of which result in an instant loss in revenue.

Although most businesses are usually able to recover from internet outages or disruptions within an hour, by that time it is usually too late and most businesses face a lot of financial losses. It has been estimated that for an average business, an internet outage or crashed connection can result in losses of up to $10,000 for every hour of downtime. Even an internet outage for a few minutes can cause major disruption in business processes, operations, employee productivity, and revenue.

All of this can be avoided by having an internet backup solution in place that would prevent any downtime or financial losses and will allow you to deal with your customers promptly even with internet disruption affecting other businesses.

Competitive Edge

Having an internet backup solution in place also gives you a competitive advantage. The business market is already too crowded and the competition is increasing with every passing day, therefore, it is important that if you find an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage, you avail it, even if it is something like having an internet backup solution in place on or the admin panel.

Having an internet backup solution in place allows you to stand out among your competitors in case an internet outage happens. In case of an internet outage, you would be able to continue your operations like usual without any kind of disruption and provide services to your customers as you would normally without any downtime.

During instances of an internet outage, if you are the only business providing services to your customers, they will think of you as a highly reliable and dependable supplier that is providing services even when other names in the market aren’t. People will know that they can rely on you even in times of natural calamities and this will give you more and more advantages. Moreover, other consumers will also get to find out about your company eventually and they will most likely become your permanent customers. 

Protection Against Cyber Attacks

An internet backup solution is also important to protect against cyber attacks. As more and more businesses switch their operations to the internet, the risk of cyber attacks is increasing. A failure of the primary internet connection can make a business vulnerable to cyber-attacks because the security features including the ones you might have put up through the default gateway address,, might not function properly without internet access and won’t be able to prevent the entry of cyber attackers into the network. 

Having a backup internet solution in place can help mitigate this risk as security measures would still be functional with the backup internet connection.

Protection Against Data Loss

Internet backup also provides protection against data loss. In today’s digital world, most businesses store a large amount of data on the internet. This data includes important information such as financial records, customer records, sales records, confidential documents, etc. In case the primary internet network fails, owing to one reason or another, businesses are at risk of losing this important data unless they have a backup connection in place that will ensure that the data can be accessed and stored on the internet, even when the primary internet connection fails.
