A shocking video has emerged from Dombivli, Maharashtra, showing a local fruit vendor engaging in unsanitary practices that have ignited public outrage. The footage captures 20-year-old Ali Khan urinating into a plastic bag placed on his handcart, only to continue selling fruits without washing his hands.
Video Goes Viral
The disturbing clip quickly circulated online, prompting widespread condemnation from the community. Residents expressed their anger, leading to significant repercussions for Khan. The fruit seller operates in the Lodha area of Nilje village, where the incident took place.
📍Thane, Dombivli
A Muslim fruit vendor caught keeping a urine pouch in his cart, using it & selling fruits with same hands.
An official of Manpada police station said that the 20-year-old fruit seller identified as Ali Khan. The video is from Nilje area. Case registered. pic.twitter.com/UGv2mgIcUa— Ramsevak Dayanand Nene (@dayanandnene) September 23, 2024
Community Response
In response to the viral video, a group of irate locals descended upon Khan’s fruit stall, vandalizing his cart and destroying his goods. Reports indicate that some individuals even assaulted Khan during the chaos, reflecting the coOmmunity’s disgust over his actions.
Political Reaction and Police Action
The incident has drawn attention from political groups, with the Raj Thackeray-led Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) demanding stricter regulations against unauthorized hawkers in the area. Following the uproar, police have arrested Khan and initiated an investigation into the matter. The police confirmed that a First Information Report (FIR) has been filed against him.
Health and Hygiene Concerns
This incident raises critical concerns about public health and hygiene, particularly in food handling. Authorities are urged to take stringent measures to ensure the safety and well-being of consumers in the area, as such unsanitary practices pose significant health risks.