The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has announced a total prize of Rs 125 crore for the T20 World Cup-winning team. Each of the 15 players, including those who didn’t play a game, along with head coach Rahul Dravid, will receive Rs 5 crore. The core coaching group—batting coach Vikram Rathour, fielding coach T Dilip, and bowling coach Paras Mhambrey—will get Rs 2.5 crore each. Members of the senior selection committee, including chairman Ajit Agarkar, will receive Rs 1 crore each.
Additional rewards include Rs 2 crore each for the physiotherapists, throwdown specialists, masseurs, and strength and conditioning coach. Reserve players and those in the squad who didn’t play will also be rewarded, with Rs 1 crore each for the reserves and Rs 5 crore each for those in the squad who didn’t get game time.
The announcement covers a total of 42 individuals, including the team’s support staff and BCCI personnel. Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has also pledged a cash reward of Rs 11 crore for the team. This initiative echoes past instances where the BCCI has recognized and rewarded success in international cricket, reflecting a longstanding tradition of honoring achievements in Indian cricket history.
Rs 125 cr prize money break up:
Rs 5 crore each | 15-member World Cup team & head coach Rahul Dravid |
Rs 2.5 cr each | Batting coach-Vikram Rathour, fielding coach T Dilip, bowling coach-Paras Mhambrey |
Rs 2 crore each | 3 physiotherapists, 3 throwdown specialists, 2 masseurs, 1 strength and conditioning coach |
Rs 1 crore each | 5 selectors & 4 reserve players |
The team’s video analyst, BCCI staff members at the World Cup, including media officers, and the team’s logistics manager are set to receive prize money.
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