The biographical film ‘Swatantrya Veer Savarkar’, centered on the life of Indian freedom fighter Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, has officially been submitted as one of India’s entries for the 96th Academy Awards (Oscars 2025). The announcement has sparked immense pride and excitement among the film’s creators, marking a significant milestone for the project that celebrates one of India’s unsung heroes.
Produced by Anand Pandit, Sandeep Singh, and Randeep Hooda, the film has already garnered considerable attention for its historical significance. Randeep Hooda, who not only stars in the lead role but also directed the film, shared his excitement over the news. He said, “It’s an honor to represent a film that resonates so deeply with Indian history. ‘Swatantrya Veer Savarkar’ is a film that aims to bring forgotten stories to the forefront, and this recognition pushes our narrative even further.”
The filmmakers expressed their gratitude for this international acknowledgment. Speaking on behalf of the team, producer Anand Pandit said, “This is a moment of great pride, not just for our team, but for everyone who believes in telling stories of our unsung heroes. Being chosen as one of India’s entries for the Oscars is a huge validation of our efforts.”
Sandeep Singh, who co-produced the film, highlighted the journey of creating ‘Swatantrya Veer Savarkar’, acknowledging the challenges and triumphs that led to its Oscar submission. He added, “Receiving this nod for the Oscars is a testament to the hard work of the entire cast and crew.”
The team also extended their best wishes to Kiran Rao and the creators of ‘Laapata Ladies‘, who are also representing India at the 96th Academy Awards. “We wish them all the best. Together, we represent the power of Indian cinema on a global platform,” they stated.
‘Swatantrya Veer Savarkar’ brings to life the journey of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, a prominent nationalist and social reformer, detailing his contributions to India’s independence movement and the sacrifices he made for the nation.
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