Journalist and writer Neelesh Misra took to X (formerly Twitter) on Friday to criticize Airtel for persistently harassing his 86-year-old father over a phone bill for his late mother. Misra, based in Lucknow, revealed that despite his mother’s phone service being suspended immediately after her death last September, Airtel continues to call his father every few days demanding payment.
Misra expressed his frustration on X, urging Airtel to update their records to avoid further distress to his father. “Dear @airtelindia, stop harassing my 86-year-old father with constant calls about my late mother’s phone bill. Her service was suspended immediately after her passing,” Misra wrote. He added, “Your last call was two days ago. He receives calls every few days. Imagine the trauma of repeatedly explaining that his wife is no more. Why can’t your records be updated?”
In response to Misra’s post, Airtel apologized and confirmed that they had updated the account records to ensure no further calls would be made regarding the bill. “We understand how challenging this situation must be for you and your family, Neelesh. Please accept our sincere apologies. We are addressing the issue and working to improve your experience with us,” Airtel said.
The post garnered various reactions, with users commenting on the inefficiencies of customer service. One user, Kumar Gaurav, noted, “The lack of communication between their systems is why cancellations and updates take so long.” Another user, Sanwali Sharma, criticized customer service across companies, stating, “Customer service in India is a joke. It should be renamed customer harassment.”
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