A viral video that shows the in-laws of Atul Subhash, a Bengaluru-based engineer who died by suicide on December 9, has gone viral on social media. The video captures the aggressive reaction of reporters from the mother-in-law, Nisha Singhania, and brother-in-law, Anurag Singhania, to questions about the incident.
This behaviour has not gone unnoted online. “They‘re not shocked, grieving or even defending themselves properly. Instead they are attacking reporters, showing their arrogance and acting like they are above it all,” commented a user on X (formerly Twitter).
Atul Subhash, a 34-year-old engineer, left behind a 90-minute video and a 24-page suicide note detailing his struggles. He accused his estranged wife, Nikita Singhania, and her family of harassment and blamed them for his decision to end his life. Subhash claimed his wife had filed nine cases against him, leading to immense mental distress.
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After his death, Subhash‘s brother, Bikas Kumar, lodged a complaint against four people: Nikita Singhania, her mother Nisha, her brother Anurag, and her uncle Sushil Singhania. The police of Bengaluru registered an FIR under sections 108 and 3(5) of the BNS.
The video of the interaction of the Singhania family with reporters has further fanned the controversy over Subhash‘s death. Many online have called them aggressive and accused them of a lack of accountability or remorse. The case of Subhash reignited the discussion on mental health and the need for legal reforms to address issues of gender-neutral laws and harassment.
The probe into Subhash‘s death is still on, as well as the authorities trying to uncover all possible truths about the tragic incident.