Pavel Durov, the billionaire CEO of the widely-used messaging app Telegram, was detained by French police at Le Bourget airport on Saturday evening. Durov, often dubbed “Russia’s Mark Zuckerberg,” faces multiple charges related to the alleged dissemination of criminal content on Telegram, which boasts around 900 million active users. Adding a layer of intrigue to the arrest, reports indicate that Durov was accompanied by a woman identified as Juli Vavilova, who is believed to be his girlfriend.
Who is Juli Vavilova?
Juli Vavilova, 24, is a crypto coach and streamer based in Dubai. On Instagram, she describes herself as a gamer with interests in “Gaming, crypto, languages and mindset” and boasts a following of over 20,000. Fluent in English, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic, Vavilova has been seen with Durov in various countries, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan. Their frequent public appearances together suggest a close relationship.
The woman who accompanied Pavel Durov on his journey that led to his arrest is Juli Vavilova
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Speculation and Theories
Their recent arrival in Paris on a private jet, just prior to their arrest, has fueled speculation about Vavilova’s role in the situation. Some theories circulating online suggest that she might have unintentionally or deliberately attracted the attention of authorities. There are even more sensational claims, including suggestions that she could be a honeytrap or possibly involved with intelligence agencies like Mossad.
Despite the buzz, Vavilova’s exact involvement in Durov’s arrest remains unclear. According to AFP, attempts to contact her since the arrest have been unsuccessful, adding to the ongoing mystery surrounding the case.