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The power of positive thinking: How to stay happy in the face of adversity

Is there anyone in this world who has not faced adversities, problems, challenges, or roadblocks? We all do, time and again. But we must also understand that, like everything else, difficulties and problems are transient. Our bad times will come and go. This too shall pass. Of course, the question is — how can we […]

Is there anyone in this world who has not faced adversities, problems, challenges, or roadblocks? We all do, time and again. But we must also understand that, like everything else, difficulties and problems are transient. Our bad times will come and go. This too shall pass.

Of course, the question is — how can we be happy in the face of adversity? How can we think positively? Undoubtedly, adversities can pull us down physically, emotionally, and mentally. To begin with, we must understand one simple truth of life: life is Karma. What we give, we get. As we sow, so shall we reap. This world is governed by the Law of Karma. Whatever is unfolding in life is the result of our own actions. It could be actions done in the past, years ago, or actions from an earlier life. Having understood this, we must accept our circumstances gracefully. Of course, we must try to find a solution to the challenges we are facing. We must do our best. But when we can’t change things, we must surrender to the Divine Will that works through the law of Karma. In fact, instead of brooding and wondering why things are happening the way they are, we must not only find solutions but also rejoice, knowing that some negative Karma is being negated.

Most of us are always in a state of mind where the mind reigns supreme. This is why we give in to negativity. We may think that our mind is our friend, but the truth is that our mind is our biggest enemy. It is our mind that bombards us with negative thoughts of fear, worry, stress, anxiety, regret, shame, and guilt, making us miserable. It jumps from thought to thought. From the past, it leaps into the future. It hurls at us 50 thoughts a minute, which is about 50,000 thoughts a day. Sometimes there’s a deluge of different thoughts. At times, the same thought torments us. We must learn to still the mind, to make it silent. This is where meditation helps. When we still the mind, when we stop this onslaught of thoughts, the mind that has been jumping around like a monkey becomes a monk. Thoughts no longer come in a rush, pouring like rain, but one by one, in our consciousness, to be discriminated by the intellect. When the intellect is in charge, we make the right decisions.

In this state of consciousness or thoughtlessness, the mind with its toxic thoughts or NEP (Negative Energy Poison) is replaced with PEP (Positive Energy Power), leading to positive thoughts. Positive thoughts, which are the outcome of positive emotions like hope, courage, trust, kindness, compassion, love, and forgiveness, lead us to positive feelings and actions. Positive thinking, in fact, can turn things around. It helps us to be resilient and strong. It makes us action-oriented. It gives us energy, courage, and the confidence to face what may come. We must remain optimistic and happy. Therefore, it is critical that we flip from mind to consciousness, from NEP to PEP.

Faith and belief in God, in a divine power, foster positive thinking and help us to be happy despite trying circumstances. Prayer gives us strength. It also lessens our burden. We know that we are not alone. Insurmountable problems become less intimidating. Prayer is not just about speaking to God but also about listening to God. Prayer, therefore, is a two-way communication with God. And the Supreme Immortal Power we call God, the Supreme Consciousness, does communicate with us. We only have to listen in silence.

To be happy, one must also make the decision to be happy. We must choose to be happy. Happiness is a choice! We must promise ourselves, ‘No matter what comes my way, I will be happy today!’ We must do things that can make us happy. We must surround ourselves with positive and cheerful people. These are little things that can help us.

Finally, if one realizes the truth about life, then adversities will no longer affect us. Ultimately, this world is a cosmic illusion. It’s a stage, and we are but actors performing our parts in the drama of life. Nothing is real. But for this realization, one must take the spiritual path to Enlightenment. Enlightenment leads us to a state of bliss and peace. There is no suffering, no misery, no adversity — only joy!

AiR Atman in Ravi is a Happiness Ambassador and Spiritual Leader.
