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TAROT speaks

ARIES (MAR 21- APR 19) Release fears that hold you back. Things that seemed to be progressing might not go the desired way. Change in action & need to make quick decisions can make you restless. Use your intuition & think carefully before taking a step forward. Mantra: “RELAX”. TAURUS (APR 20-MAY 20) Good time […]

(MAR 21- APR 19)
Release fears that hold you back. Things that seemed to be progressing might not go the desired way. Change in action & need to make quick decisions can make you restless. Use your intuition & think carefully before taking a step forward. Mantra: “RELAX”.

(APR 20-MAY 20)
Good time for creating lavish abundance. Do not revisit past failures but focus on faith & nurture your dreams. Successful employment or new career opportunities are promised. Mantra: “ABUNDANCE”.

(MAY 21- JUN 20)Building on your intuitive abilities will bring unexpected opportunities. Public recognition & victory are on the cards. Speak your mind with confidence. Seek professional advise if required. Mantra: “FAITH”.

(JUN 21- JUL 22)
Time is ripe for spiritual & emotional growth. You can make long term plans with new projects & career opportunities. Drop fear, be confident & take action.
Mantra: “RELEASE”

(JUL 23- AUg 22)
Good time to take charge of the situation & get organised. Be positive, futuristic & welcome change for better opportunities. Some one, with psychic abilities, can help you get a direction. Mantra: “LEADERSHIP”

(AUG 23 – SEP 22)
Good time for completions & closures. Listen to all & review everyone’s motives before jumping to conclusions. New career opportunities & spending self time are on the cards. Wishes will come true. Mantra: “GRATITUDE”
(SEP 23 – OCT 22)
Fear of finances & material trap may boost ego. Desire for change & success can trigger painful memories & sadness. Choose your actions & defend your beliefs wisely. Mantra: “MINDFULNESS”

(OCT 23 – NOV 21)
Fortune is on your side. Keep a balanced approach as many things will take your attention. Stress can effect health so take time out to relax. Be confident & move ahead. Mantra: “OPTIMISM”

(NOV 22 – DEC 21)
Be righteous & fair. Get into action with knowingness that all is well. Emotional, material & career satisfaction is promised. Career opportunities & new ventures are on the cards. Mantra: “JUSTICE”.

(DEC 21 -JAN 20)
Good time for getting organised, structured & practical in your approach. Listening, observing & reviewing with an open mind will help you get clarity over confusions & conflicts. Mantra: “DISCIPLINE”

(JAN 21- FEB 18)
Time to review, revaluate & move on. Assess your budget & expenditures. Take expert advise to plan a secure financial future. Mantra: “RENEWAL”

(FEB 19 – MAR 20)
Good time to take risks & follow your dreams. Settle confusions & disagreements with a practical approach. Take leap of faith. Mantra: “SELF BELIEF”
Aarti Babul Bhasin is a certified facilitator for Past Life Regression Therapy & Inner Child Work. An intuitive tarot reader & a channel for collective consciousness, The Oneness. Her no 9987546317; Instagram handle livealittlesessions.

