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Sritapa Mahanty: From IT Professional to Award-Winning Author Inspiring Self-Discovery

Sritapa Mahanty is an Indian author, nature lover, and an inspiring storyteller who beautifully captures life’s emotions in her writing. She has published four books spanning fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, and has been honoured with the IAA Authors Award and IAA Voice Award in literature. She began her literary journey at the age of 11, […]

Sritapa Mahanty
Sritapa Mahanty

Sritapa Mahanty is an Indian author, nature lover, and an inspiring storyteller who beautifully captures life’s emotions in her writing. She has published four books spanning fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, and has been honoured with the IAA Authors Award and IAA Voice Award in literature.

She began her literary journey at the age of 11, writing poems for her school magazines. After spending 16 years at a Fortune 500 company, she debuted as an author in 2023 with A Heart’s Journey, drawing from her rich life experiences. In a recent interview with Prof. Shiv Sethi, the author shares the following excerpts from her literary journey.

  1. What inspired your return to writing?

I write my stories from heart based on personal experiences and keen observations of the world around me. My demanding IT job often kept me away from writing, leaving me disconnected from my creative self. During this time, I felt a strong urge to return to writing. I realized I didn’t want to keep pushing it aside and regret later, so I decided to set aside some time every day to start writing. It helped me regain clarity and learn to face challenges with renewed confidence. Now, I am grateful for that decision to reconnect with myself through my passion.

  1. Tell us about your literary journey and how it shaped A Heart’s Journey
    In 2023, I published my debut book, A Heart’s Journey, with a desire to connect with readers on a deeper level, helping them understand their true selves, unlock their inner strength, and practice self-love. I believe every individual is blessed with power within; we just have to harness it to excel in life with a positive mindset. The book provides practical advice on finding a soulmate, helping readers navigate the complexities of relationships with wisdom and confidence, reducing the uncertainty many face in love. My collaborative works include Pages of PowerLove Connection, and Revolutionaries of India.
  2. Why is the theme of self-discovery so important in your book?
    Self-discovery is crucial in my book because it guides readers to be authentic and recognize their strengths. A Heart’s Journeyfocuses on this theme because I want readers to understand that even in the darkest times, there is an opportunity for growth. The book encourages readers to accept their flaws, overcome challenges, and recognize their inner strength.
  3. Has A Heart’s Journeybeen made into an audiobook? If so, what challenges did you face in producing it?

Yes, I narrated my own audiobook. The initial chapters took longer to record since I had to read continuously during quiet hours at night. My tip is to choose a calm time of day and, if possible, record everything in one session; otherwise, stick to the same timing.

  1. What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
    Trust your voice, be authentic, and write regularly. Be open to constructive feedback from trusted people. Don’t chase perfection; you will get there eventually. Keep exploring your imagination and read widely to enhance your creativity. Be persistent, and don’t be discouraged by rejection or setbacks.
  2. How do you use your platform to give back to society as an author?
    Through my writing, I aim to give my readers hope, foster resilience, and encourage self-discovery, helping them lead a life with a positive mindset and a never-give-up attitude.

