Strengthening willpower

“Every day I ask myself: Who am I? Who do I belong to? What do I have to do now?” –  Dadi Janki Related News Lunar Eclipse On Holi 2025: What Does It Mean For You? Blessing Or A Curse? Sacred waters: A pilgrimage of faith and transformation How Many Dips Should One Take In […]

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Strengthening willpower

“Every day I ask myself: Who am I? Who do I belong to? What do I have to do now?” – 

Dadi Janki

Willpower is based on knowledge with understanding, conscience, determination, trust and faith. In a world that seems to be going in a direction completely opposite to the one most of us seem to wish for, having the willpower to navigate through those contrary currents seems to be essential right now.

Each of us is a spiritual being, but each one’s destiny is not only unique, it is also beautiful. It is in the finding and understanding of that destiny that my willpower can flourish, grow and become a great strength, not only for me but for others, and ultimately for our world.

When we look within, deeply and with an understanding of who we really are, a living consciousness, a spiritual light, we can clearly see our original qualities. They are those of peace, love, joy, wisdom and purity. We not only see clearly, but our mind is not plagued with doubts or questions;we have clarity, we know what to do. This takes a little practice, but results are felt almost immediately, from the time we begin. 

It is this kind of clarity of thought that is needed. Because, when we try to change or behave based on the influence of others, then we never feel quite comfortable, and the change or impetus is short-lived. I am the only one who knows what is right for me. 

When there is a wave of new thinking, then society supports it. For example, in the west, vegetarianism and even veganism is a growing lifestyle change, and so suddenly there are products that support that change on the market, and restaurants are supporting it with a change of menu. It takes great courage and determination though, to do what we understand and believe to be right when we seem to be the only one waving the flag. 

In fact, we need to wave the flag only after we have ourselves become a little of what we are hoping for. When others hear us just telling them what we believe is the right thing to do, but we ourselves are not quite doing it – then a great surge of resistance is likely. Because, relationships are full of complicated elements of control and gratification.If those around us feel that they will no longer have any influence over us, then they become afraid of losing part of us, and can become angry. Better to quietly set off with determination, insight and self-trust and then others will see beneficial transformation, and will be happy to see the flag flying.

Trust in the self is essential, and that comes with experience. However, the other most important element of trust, is trust in God. If I nurture my connection with God, I am going to experience a sense of security, support, sustenance and safety. With this trust and determination, I can do my best sincerely, with no selfish motive, but because I know it is the right thing to do.Then I have no need to worry about the outcome – God will take care of it.It may not be the way I expected or even immediately like, but with acceptance I will come to understand that what I did was not only right, but the outcome is ultimately for the best for everyone concerned.

It is worth reflecting on the quotation at the beginning of the article. The answers to the three questions that Dadi Janki asked herself every day, encapsulate the strength of willpower perfectly.

Who am I? I am a soul, a spiritual being …

Who do I belong to? I belong to God in the first instance, and to humanity …

What do I have to do now? The answers to the first two questions make answer to the third one crystal clear – I have to follow my destiny as a soul and a child of God.

Maureen Goodman is the Programme Director for the Brahma Kumaris UK, and BK NGO representative to the United Nations in Vienna.
