It starts from the heart

When the impetus to follow a spiritual path arises, it arises first in the heart. It begins with a kind of awakening inside, something stirs inside from the heart. If those feelings never arose, then we would never make any further changes in our lives. Once that feeling emerges, once you start to feel differently, […]

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It starts from the heart

When the impetus to follow a spiritual path arises, it arises first in the heart. It begins with a kind of awakening inside, something stirs inside from the heart. If those feelings never arose, then we would never make any further changes in our lives. Once that feeling emerges, once you start to feel differently, it is almost impossible to ignore. When it is strong and deep, from the heart, we have to follow that feeling. It is the very thing that gives us courage to move forward. A strong heart is full of determination.

Where is the heart? We all know where the organ is in the body, but in spiritual terms the heart is in the soul. It is the capacity for deep feeling. This feeling is not about emotions, but about the very deep and pure feelings that are experienced from God. The heart is like the conscience; we need to listen very carefully. If we do not listen to what the heart is trying to tell us, then later on there is upheaval and then the heart is in upheaval.

It is very important to follow the heart, but not simply based on our own desires. Our own desires, based on our past thinking habits, will try to make the heart desire something other than the truth. It is essential to keep the heart strong and safe. A yogi will pay attention to what is needed, will listen to the hearts of others, but will not be influenced. A yogi will retain and be strengthened by the truth and will not waver from that, no matter what happens or what stories are related.

In the world, people become very emotional and passionate about issues and idols and situations. Orators can speak very eloquently on these topics and easily stir people’s emotions. They can talk about hate, prejudice, war and peace, but peace is not about emotion. It is about a spiritual change within.

When we find ourselves becoming emotional, we need to regain the peace we have within us because emotion has no power or strength. It will take us up but then we will be brought down again, having gained nothing. A strong heart looks beyond the obvious and sees what is real and true, in any situation but most especially within each person. A strong heart sees the soul within. Exactly as God does.

Maureen Goodman is the Programme Director for the Brahma Kumaris UK, and BK NGO representative to the United Nations in Vienna.
