Humanity’s global warming 

We are living in a world that is getting increasingly hot, not just in terms of the climate, but in terms of the increasingly heated human consciousness that is driving climate change. The implications of humanity’s global warming are profound.  Is it possible that the ‘global warming’ of human consciousness is related to the global […]

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Humanity’s global warming 

We are living in a world that is getting increasingly hot, not just in terms of the climate, but in terms of the increasingly heated human consciousness that is driving climate change. The implications of humanity’s global warming are profound. 

Is it possible that the ‘global warming’ of human consciousness is related to the global warming of our environment? Is it possible that, as society gets ever hotter, more agitated, angry, impatient and greedy – more conspicuous in its consumption of resources – that the natural environment is becoming increasingly degraded? If there is indeed a relationship between these two factors, what is the solution? It is becoming increasingly apparent that we cannot rely on a political solution to these problems, so what can we do? 

It is coolness that offers the very solution that all are searching for. Coolness provides an environment in which it is possible to find the true self, to become centred, to rediscover balance. Coolness of temperament is who we were, before we got embroiled in the heat of this drama. Coolness permits us to understand ourselves as eternal beings, as temporary residents of the bodies we inhabit, and not the egos we have assumed. But perhaps most significantly of all, coolness enables us to experience ourselves as peaceful beings of light, capable, at last, of feeling the love, direct from the Source, from the One whose love we have searched for over many lifetimes. We learn the difference between a love that is given freely, a blissful love that is truly eternal, and a love that is conditional, here today and gone tomorrow, a love that waxes and wanes like the moon. This requires a complete transformation of human consciousness. 

How do we change our consciousness? The answer is, of course, that we have to start with ourselves. And that is where meditation comes in. By constant spiritual study and daily meditation, we open ourselves up to the possibility of becoming cool – regaining our equanimity, observing with love and patience, stabilising our emotions, and from there, it is possible to cool the consciousness of those around you. It takes just one person in a group to ‘… keep their head when all about them are losing theirs …’ to emanate calm and serenity to stop the heat of the moment making others react in a foolish and potentially damaging way. The power of just one is not to be underestimated. Imagine the power of many who have become this cool. 

When the consciousness of mankind and womankind is cool, then the elements will also cool. 

Stuart Hepburn is an author and artist, and a student of Rajyoga with the Brahma Kumaris in the UK.
