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Shocking: Man Stalks Ex-Girlfriend Via Food Delivery Platform

In a world where technological advancements have brought numerous conveniences to our fingertips, a disturbing case of digital harassment has emerged. A man allegedly used a food delivery app to stalk his ex-girlfriend, sparking concerns over data privacy and abuse of power. The incident was shared by a LinkedIn user, Rupal Madhup, who revealed that […]

Shocking: Man Stalks Ex-Girlfriend Via Food Delivery Platform
Shocking: Man Stalks Ex-Girlfriend Via Food Delivery Platform

In a world where technological advancements have brought numerous conveniences to our fingertips, a disturbing case of digital harassment has emerged. A man allegedly used a food delivery app to stalk his ex-girlfriend, sparking concerns over data privacy and abuse of power. The incident was shared by a LinkedIn user, Rupal Madhup, who revealed that the victim was her close friend. According to Rupal, the story was one of the most “traumatising” experiences she had ever encountered, illustrating the potential dangers lurking behind dating apps and online services.

From Breakup to Stalking

Rupal’s post detailed her friend’s relationship with a man who worked at a food delivery company. After the couple’s breakup, the man reportedly used his position to track his ex-girlfriend’s movements by flagging her account, granting him access to all her delivery locations. This access allowed him to monitor her activities, sending intrusive and unsettling messages like, “Why aren’t you ordering from your place at 2 AM?” and “What are you doing in Chennai?”

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Digital Harassment Raises Data Privacy Fears

What started as odd behavior quickly escalated into something more sinister. The man’s actions highlighted a chilling misuse of personal data, as he continued to stalk her through the app. Rupal emphasized how this ordeal could have led to dangerous outcomes, particularly as breakups sometimes trigger vengeful behavior. She concluded her post with a sobering reminder: “Data might be the new electricity, but it’s also one of the most dangerous weapons in the wrong hands.”

Public Reaction and Call for Better Data Protection

The post has since gone viral, with netizens reacting with shock and disbelief. Many expressed concern over the ease with which personal data can be accessed and misused. Comments such as “disturbing” and “too dark” reflected the collective fear over the potential for such incidents to become more common. The incident serves as a reminder of the need for tighter controls over personal information and more robust protections for users of digital platforms.
