
Saudi Arabia removes restrictions on numbers of Hajj pilgrims and age limit.

On Monday, Saudi Arabia announced that there will be no limits on the number of Pilgrims and age limit for this year’s Hajj said the country’s minister of Hajj and Umrah Tawfiq Al-Rabiah. In 2019, about 2.5 million people took part in the pilgrimage. However, the number of pilgrims was reduced for the next two […]

600 Deaths During Hajj In Saudi Arabia, Including 68 Indian Pilgrims
600 Deaths During Hajj In Saudi Arabia, Including 68 Indian Pilgrims

On Monday, Saudi Arabia announced that there will be no limits on the number of Pilgrims and age limit for this year’s Hajj said the country’s minister of Hajj and Umrah Tawfiq Al-Rabiah. In 2019, about 2.5 million people took part in the pilgrimage. However, the number of pilgrims was reduced for the next two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


hajjPilgrimagePilgrimsrestrictionssaudi arabia