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‘Reverse drone’ activity a concern, fifty three drones recovered in Punjab so far

A forensic analysis of drones shot down on the India-Pakistan border has left security agencies worried, as in a few cases, drones were found to have originated from the Indian side. A senior official confirmed that as of now, they have found only a few such cases, but cautioned that this trend could go up […]

A forensic analysis of drones shot down on the India-Pakistan border has left security agencies worried, as in a few cases, drones were found to have originated from the Indian side. A senior official confirmed that as of now, they have found only a few such cases, but cautioned that this trend could go up in the future. Smugglers could dispatch drones from India to Pakistan, where it loaded with drugs and weapons and called back to India, the official said.
The official said that ‘Reverse Drone’ operations by smugglers is a major concern especially the Punjab region, where drone activity is frequent. “Forensic analysis of the recovered drones have helped to trace their flight path with time-stamps, originating and landing points with exact GPS coordinates. In some cases, we have also decoded messages exchanged between traffickers on either side of the border,” the official said. Anti-drone systems have been installed at the border, and it keep track and shoot any drone activity at borders.
In the same vein, Minister of State for Home Affairs, Nisith Pramanik in a written reply in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday said that anti-national elements and smugglers were using drones for smuggling of arms and narcotics across the international border in Punjab. In the last three years and till 30 June 2023, 53 incidents of recovery of drones involved in the smuggling of Arms/Narcotics have been detected, stated a Ministry of Home Affairs release. Minister of State Nisith Pramanik said that the steps taken by the Government in this regard included, “Effective domination of the borders by BSF carrying out round-the-clock surveillance of the border, patrolling, manning observation posts all along the International Border…and strengthening of intelligence network and coordination with other security agencies.”
Pramanik said vulnerability mapping had been carried out along the border to strengthen and additional special surveillance equipment had been installed. “…An anti-rogue drone SOP has been formulated and circulated to field units and is being followed. Local police are immediately informed when drone movement is observed for search in interior areas. Depth Nakas are regularly laid in suspected dropping zones of drone,” the Union Minister added.

