Renowned producer Sunny Shah is venturing into directing with the highly anticipated film ‘Hindi-Vindi,’ marking not only his directorial debut but also a groundbreaking Indo-Australian collaboration. The film features an exceptional cast, including the legendary Neena Gupta, charismatic Mihir Ahuja (known for Archies), and the multi-talented Guy Sebastian in his inaugural acting role. Directed by Ali Sayed and co-written by Jay Sharma and Ali Sayed, ‘Hindi-Vindi’ aims to be a cinematic masterpiece, with a stellar ensemble set to captivate global audiences.
This ambitious project is a collaboration between 24six films (Sydney), led by Aniket Deshkar, and Shah Entertainment Media (Mumbai). The musical composition, overseen by Javed-Mohsin, and the editing expertise of Steven Bernard promise to deliver a blend of emotions, music, and captivating visuals behind the scenes. More than just a film, ‘Hindi-Vindi’ transcends borders, embracing international cross-cultural storytelling and synergy. As the cameras roll in Sydney, the movie is poised to create a tapestry of emotions that resonates with audiences worldwide.