In the Fazilka Phagwara case, the police have made a significant revelation. It is reported that the police investigation team has identified the deceased. The investigation team, formed under the supervision of SSP Kapurthala and led by SP Phagwara, has identified the deceased as Vishal Kapoor, born in West Punjabi Bagh, Delhi. His father’s name is Late Davinder Kapoor. He lived in Fazilka for 8-10 years during his early years. Later, he moved to Delhi with his grandmother and stayed there for some time. After the death of his grandmother, he began living as a homeless person on the streets of Delhi, where he was rescued by a non-governmental organization in Delhi. The police say that the case is still under investigation. It should be noted that in the case of the murder of an unknown person inside the premises of Gurudwara Chevi Patshahi, Chura Kuh, a case was registered against Ramandeep Singh, also known as Mangoo, a Nihang.