The Indian Meteorological Department has issued a red alert for the coming days, considering the cold wave. The temperature in the capital dropped to 7 degrees on Monday morning. As Delhhites shivered their way out of their homes, Rahul Gandhi was seen wearing a white T-shirt while paying respect at the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi, former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, and Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The Congress MP was seen at all the memorials in a T-shirt and trousers, walking barefoot. Now he is expected to head to Jammu and Kashmir’s Srinagar, which is reeling in freezing temperatures. Sonia Gandhi, through some senior Congress leaders, passed the message to Rahul that he should take protection from the cold. Otherwise, he may fall sick. Even though he was advised the same before going to all the memorials, he declined the proposal. Rahul Gandhi’s surprising response to the cruel cold has been a talking point ever since the yatra, which started in Tamil Nadu’s Kanyakumari.
Unlike the previous Governor of West Bengal Jagdeep Dhankhar, the new Governor, C. V. Ananda Bose, has taken a new stance while dealing with the state government. Earlier, almost every day, the previous governor issued a tweet against the state government’s failure to address the people’s suffering. However, the new governor has established a cordial relationship with the Chief Minister, Mamata Banerjee, which has been acknowledged by the Chief Minister herself. She has commented that the present governor is a thorough gentleman. The governor also praised West Bengal for preserving the state’s Bengali traditions. The Governor recently quoted Gokhle’s famous old saying, “What Bengal thinks today, India thinks tomorrow,” at a function. He stated that he intends to write about his stay in Bengal in Bengali. This has generated curiosity among the state opposition parties about the strategy of the Governor.
The Madhya Pradesh Assembly is debating a motion of no confidence proposed by the Congress legislature party’s leader. Party President Kamal Nath was only seen once for a few minutes and did not appear when Congress Leader of the Opposition, Dr. Govind Singh, arrived. Some legislators overheard Kamal Nath saying he was unhappy with the decision to move a no-confidence motion. Questions are now being raised about whether he was consulted or not.
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