Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday extended his greetings to the three Northeast states on their statehood day. “Greetings to the people of Manipur, Meghalaya and Tripura on their Statehood Days. These states are making vibrant contributions to India’s development. Praying for their constant progress,” the Prime Minister tweeted. Virtually addressing the poll-bound state of Manipur on the occasion of their 50th statehood day, he said that development is reaching every corner of Manipur.
The Prime Minister said that Manipur youth was doing great work in the field of start-ups. “Manipur deserves peace and freedom from closures and blockades. I am happy to know that they earned it after years of struggle. Development is reaching every corner of Manipur. Not just sports, Manipur youth are doing great work in the field of start-ups,” the Prime Minister said.
“Under the ‘double-engine’ government, Manipur is getting long-awaited facilities like Railways. Thousands of crore rupees worth of connectivity projects are underway in the state including the Jiribam-Tupul-Imphal railway line. Similarly, with Imphal airport getting international status, connectivity of North-Eastern states with Delhi, Kolkata and Bengaluru has improved. Manipur will also benefit from India-Myanmar-Thailand trilateral highway and upcoming 9 thousand crore natural gas pipeline in the region.”
“The government is committed to make Manipur the sports powerhouse of the country. Sons and daughters of Manipur have brought laurels in the sports field and in the light of their passion and potential India’s first sports university was established in the state,” he added.
PM Modi also said that Meghalaya was becoming an attractive destination for the country and the world. “Over the past 50 years, the people of Meghalaya have cemented their identity of being close to nature. To see the beautiful waterfalls, to experience the clean and serene environment, to connect with your unique tradition, Meghalaya is becoming an attractive destination for the country and the world.” “Meghalaya is full of talent. In the last seven years, the Central Government has sincerely tried to accelerate the development journey of Meghalaya. The central government is fully committed specially to ensure better road, rail and air connectivity in the state,” he said.
He further said that Meghalaya has achieved a lot, but it still has a lot to achieve.
Talking of Tripura, the Prime Minister said, “Today Tripura is becoming a land of opportunities. The double engine government is working continuously to meet the small needs of the common people of Tripura. That is why Tripura is performing well today on many parameters of development.” PM Modi said that Tripura is also one of the six states in the country where new technology is being used in housing construction.
Under the North-Eastern Areas (Re-organisation) Act, 1971, Tripura, Manipur and Meghalaya attained statehood on 21 January 1972.