An unidentified man lost his life in Nagpur, Maharashtra, allegedly at the hands of two individuals who accused him of stealing a mobile phone, according to a Nagpur police official on Sunday. The official reported that Pramod Badwe, who claimed his phone went missing on Saturday, joined forces with Sunny Singh Randhawa to assault the man using an iron rod in the Pardi area of Nagpur district. Both Pramod Badwe and Sunny Singh have been booked for murder, and the Pardi police station is conducting an ongoing investigation.
In a separate incident in Mumbai, a man was killed, and five others sustained injuries in a shooting in the Chunabhatti area on Sunday afternoon, as per Mumbai Police sources. The police suspect it may be a case of personal rivalry, but investigations are exploring various angles. The incident unfolded around 3:15 pm in the Azad Galli locality in Chunabhatti, located in the eastern suburbs of the Kurla area in Mumbai. The accused allegedly fired approximately 16 rounds during the incident. The victim, Sumit Yerunkar, was seriously injured and later pronounced dead at Sion Hospital.
The Mumbai Crime Branch and Chunabhatti Police, along with senior police officials, swiftly responded to the incident. The Crime Branch is conducting parallel investigations, with multiple teams formed to identify and apprehend the suspects.
“As per primary information, the suspects are two who opened fire at the deceased and five injured persons. Multiple rounds were fired in the incident.
Several teams are working on the primary clues in the matter to nab the culprits,” stated a senior Mumbai Crime Branch official.
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