The pre-release event of Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram took place in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, appropriately enough given its title. Thousands of people flocked to the event, and Telugu actor Mahesh Babu broke down in tears as he remembered his father on stage. He claimed that since his father’s passing on November 15, 2022, Sankranti has changed. But he addressed the sizable throng of admirers, referring to them as his “father, mother, and everything.”
“I couldn’t believe it,” he said, referring to the video clip that was shown during the event that claimed he had worked in the industry for 25 years. The love you all have shown me is something I will never forget, and it only grows stronger with time. All I can do is fold my hands in front of each of you. “You will always hold a special place in my heart,” the speaker continued. My Nanna Kirshna found it to be even more special. My previous Sankranti releases have all been huge hits, so let’s make another one this time around. a tremendous success.
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