Noted Singer-composer Mumbai Himesh Reshammiya is busy these days creating music for the debut film of actor Mithun Chakraborty’s son. The film Bad Boy, directed by Raj Kumar Santoshi, marks the launch of Mithun’s son Namashi Chakraborty and producer Sajid Qureshi’s daughter Amrin Qureshi.

Himesh says, “Mithun Da has been the biggest trendsetter of all time and I am excited to create music for his inherited legacy Namashi for his much-anticipated debut.”

 Namashi is equally ecstatic. “I am supercharged, delighted and cannot wait to be a part of Himesh Reshammiya’s trademark music,” he says. For Amrin, “It’s a dream come true to be mentored in your debut film by stalwarts like Mithun Da, Himesh Reshammiya and Rajkumar Santoshi.”

 Santoshi asserts, “Bad Boy is like recreating the euphoria of Mithun Da and his classic super-hits while working with young dynamites Namashi and Amrin which has been a thrilling ride.”