AAP’s National Organizational Head and Rajya Sabha MP, Dr. Sandeep Pathak, held a meeting in Rohtak with officials and workers from Faridabad, Palwal, Nuh, Rewari, Gurugram, and Shamli. Dr. Sushil Gupta, the state president of AAP, and senior vice-president Anurag Dhanda were also present. Addressing the growing unemployment and industries leaving Haryana, he criticized the state government. Dr. Pathak expressed concerns over industries leaving Haryana due to the lack of supportive policies, stating that over 1,000 MSMEs had shut down in the past three years.
He highlighted Haryana’s declining rank in industrial investment, citing an RBI report indicating a mere 1% investment in the Bank Assisted Finance Projects, the lowest in the country.
He emphasized that businesses in Haryana are compelled to shut down, accusing the BJP government of neglecting promises to encourage new industries. Promises like the creation of a 200 crore Venture Capital Fund (VCF) for startups made by Chief Minister Khattar have not materialized, with no funds allocated to any startup so far. Dr. Pathak alleged that these false promises have become a norm for the Khattar government.
He further stated that attacks on businessmen and a sense of insecurity prevail under the BJP rule, leading to even the famous textile industry leaving Haryana. Dr. Pathak accused the BJP government of not providing jobs to locals and failing to support industries that could generate employment, contributing to Haryana leading in unemployment in the country.”
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