Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan is gearing up for the release of his third movie this year, following the success of Jawan and Pathaan. The film, titled Dunki, will be released in theaters on December 21. It is the first joint venture between actor and director Rajkumar Hirani. The SRK movie’s advance ticket sales started on Saturday, and in just one day, they brought in Rs 1.36 crore. Nearly 38,000 tickets for 2836 shows in Hindi were sold on the first day of advance booking, according to industry tracker Sacnilk.
Sumit Kadel, a film trade analyst, stated on X that a clear picture of Dunki’s box office performance will be revealed over the next three days. “Dunki Initial pre-sale starts on a remarkable note,” the author wrote. At national chain multiplexes, the film has sold over 10,000 tickets. Non-national chains are also moving well. Dunki could pose a threat to the best films of 2023 in terms of final advance booking if the current trend continues. The next three days will provide a clear image.
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