The gorgeous Deepika Padukone stunned in a white saree at Manish Malhotra’s show. After attending the grand fashion show, the actress took to her official Instagram handle and shared picture of herself. She was decked up in a beautiful white saree with a detailed blouse and emerald earrings. DP paired the look with a sleek bun and glam makeup topped up with a red lipstick. Along with the pictures, she wrote, “In the game of clothes, a saree will always win.”
Take A Look At Breathtaking Pictures Of Deepika Padukone
Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh could not stop praising his wife. He commented, “Jaan lele meri…” The fans also loved her look. One of the fans wrote, “that saree looks so beautiful on you.” Another wrote, “Tell me a better combination than Deepika Padukone and saree.” Earlier, a video of Ranveer kissing Deepika’s cheek while walking the ramp also went viral on social media platforms.
On the professional front, Deepika has Project K with Prabhas and Amitabh Bachchan. Also, the talented actress is a part of Siddharth Anand’s Fighter opposite Hrithik Roshan.
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