Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said that India remains committed to meeting the needs of the poorest and the most vulnerable, by building the next generation infrastructure to realize their aspirations. In a video message at the inaugural session of the fourth edition of the International Conference on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure, PM Modi said that the solemn promise of the Sustainable Development Goals is to leave no one behind. The Prime Minister said that infrastructure is about people and providing them high quality, dependable, and sustainable services in an equitable manner.
“People must be at the heart of any infrastructure growth story. And, that is exactly what we in India are doing”, he said.
The Prime Minister said that in order to make future resilient work should be done towards a ‘Resilient Infrastructure Transition’. Resilient infrastructure can also be the centrepiece of our wider adaptation efforts. “If we make infrastructure resilient, we prevent disasters not only for ourselves but for many future generations”, he added.
The session was also addressed by Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida and President of Madagascar, Andry Nirina Rajoelina. India is scaling-up the provision of fundamental services in India in the areas of education, health, drinking water, sanitation, electricity, transport and much more, said the Prime Minister.