The Central Bureau of probe (CBI) searched the offices of a Ludhiana-based agent on Friday as part of an ongoing probe into VISA fraud at the French Embassy. Incriminating materials were discovered during the search. A total of Rs 70.10 Lakh in cash (in the denomination of Rs 2000) was also found from a bank locker in Ludhiana.
During the investigation of the aforementioned case, the role of Balwinder Singh Bartia of Machhiwara, Ludhiana in enabling the issuance of Schengen VISAs to VISA applicants was also revealed.
He allegedly collected cash payments ranging from Rs 25 lakh to Rs 45 lakh from each VISA applicant in exchange for obtaining a Schengen VISA from the Embassy of France in New Delhi.
The CBI has opened a case against six private individuals, including two who had previously worked in the Visa Department of the French Embassy in New Delhi, and others, on allegations of Visa Fraud at the French Embassy in New Delhi.
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